Dynamic Page

Week 5

Lecture: CSS3 effects animation, transformation and transitions. Discussion of CSS3 effects vs JavaScript

Student Learning Outcomes: Implement to understand relationship of HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Lab Assignment

Lab Activity: Research & implement CSS3 in groups 2-3. Lab time for one-on-one with instructor.

Discuss and research how to implement animation, transforms and/or transitions to work across multiple browsers. Class will break up in groups of 2-3 to create a presentation due today. One page html (1pt), one page css (1pt), works ie, ff, chrome (1pt), presentation with tutorial demo (2pt) = 5 points in class assignment. Presentations at 8:30.

Useful links: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_transitions.asp | http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/css3-transitions-and-transforms-from-scratch--webdesign-4975 | http://www.the-art-of-web.com/css/css-animation/


Homework: Add at least one new CSS3 selector to our CSS Chapter Readings: chapter 14 of HTML5 and CSS3: Visual Quickstart Guide, 7th Ed.